
No Place for Hate.2021-10-15 at 1.55.08 PM.png

No Place for Hate

Improve your school climate through anti-bias and bullying prevention education.

Research shows that a majority of bullying incidents are identity-based where students are targeted because of an aspect of their identity. You can help unify your school community around shared goals and create an environment where all students can thrive.

Join more than 1,800 schools that have signed the Anti-Defamation League’s #NoPlaceforHate pledge. The full program includes tools, strategies and lessons for K-12 educators, administrators, students and family members to promote safe, respectful and inclusive learning environments.

Check out the full range of customizable programs at

Visit ADL’s No Place for Hate® Library for books and activities on respecting diversity and difference.



Want To Help SueANazi?

In August 2017, a coalition of far-right figures marched on Charlottesville, Virginia, during “Unite The Right,” a two-day fascist festival. The event ended in catastrophe when a neo-Nazi drove his car into a crowd of counter-demonstrators, murdering one and injuring dozens. Integrity First for America is the civil rights nonprofit organization representing nine plaintiffs who are suing some of the most notorious white nationalist leaders in the country who gathered that weekend in Charlottesville. The long-delayed civil trial is set to begin on October 25th.

How can you help? Visit the IFA for resources to Make a Donation, help Spread the Word, or Host an Event.

Follow news about the trial on IFA’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

More resources:

“Set the World on Fire: How Antisemitism Fuels White Nationalism | Exploring Hate”
- Watch the Sept. 30 panel discussion presented by PBS/The WNET Group

Antisemitism has been called the oldest hatred in the world. How does it adapt and why does it endure? SET THE WORLD ON FIRE is a virtual town hall on conspiracy theories that never die and ancient hatreds that harm us all.

Learn more about PBS’ “Exploring Hate Presents,” a new town hall series from The WNET Group’s initiative Exploring Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and Extremism.

“Conspiracy theories give people a way to think they’re responding to the real anxieties and suffering of our times but in misplacing accountability, they only serve to increase the danger.” – Racial Justice Activist Eric Ward

Inside the Far-right Podcast Ecosystem, Part 1: Building a Network of Hate” - listen to the Southern Poverty Law Center podcast.

Read more about IFA’s landmark case in Rolling Stone



Hate crimes against Asian Americans have been skyrocketing since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, culminating in the March 2021 violence that took eight innocent lives in Atlanta, six of them women of Asian origin. We must fight the unchecked racism in our country that allows hate to flourish. Here's a list of anti-hate resources, ideas on how to be an ally and to take action.